If you find EinsteinPy useful in your work, a citation is always appreciated.

To cite EinsteinPy in publications, use:

The EinsteinPy Project (2024). EinsteinPy: Python library for General Relativity
URL https://einsteinpy.org

A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:

title = {EinsteinPy: Python library for General Relativity},
author = {{EinsteinPy Development Team}},
year = {2024},
url = {https:/einsteinpy.org/},

EinsteinPy is MIT licensed, so you are free to use it whatever you like, be it academic, commercial, creating forks or derivatives, as long as you copy the copyright statement if you redistribute it (see the License for details). Although not required by the EinsteinPy license, if it is convenient for you, please consider citing EinsteinPY when using it in your work and also consider contributing any changes back, so that they may be incorporated for the benefit of the entire EinsteinPy community.